Friday, 18 May 2012



Today is International Museum Day, a global celebration of the importance of museums to our communities.

Celebrate International Museum Day with a visit to Oseredok, and be awe-inspired by the exquisite textiles and fascinating historic maps of the 17th and 18th centuries in its current exhibition - Legacy of the Cossack Elite. Open Saturday from  10am to 4pm. Closed Monday, May 21 for the Victoria Day holiday.

And if you live outside Winnipeg, make a point of visiting your local museums this weekend.

Connect to your heritage! Be inspired! Show your support!

Doors Open Winnipeg - Saturday May 26 and Sunday May 27, 2012

Doors Open Winnipeg is a free public event put on annually by Heritage Winnipeg. This year there are over 80 buildings and events that have committed to participating in the 9th annual Doors Open Winnipeg event...including Oseredok!

Doors Open originated in France in the 1980s, with the number of participating countries increasing in ten years to 47 and the number of visitors reaching the 20 million mark in 2000.  Building on the European success, New York City, Sydney, Australia, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, launched their own Doors Open programs. The Doors Open phenomenon came to Canada when Toronto began an annual event in 2000, attracting 76,000 visitors to over 90 buildings. Since then, events have been held in Ottawa, Calgary, St. John's, Brandon, and, of course, Winnipeg!

Oseredok will be participating in Doors Open Winnipeg on Saturday, May 26, 2011 from 10 am to 5 pm!

Oseredok has been participating in Doors Open Winnipeg since 2010 inviting people to discover our institution and learn about the history of our facility.

Our building has landmark visibility from Main Street and the Disraeli freeway. It was erected in 1912 by the British and Foreign Bible Society and was hence known for a long time as Bible House. William Bruce was the architect and John Dolmer the contractor. Purchase of the site in 1911 cost $14,000 and construction costs came in at about $75,000. The Children's Aid Society was a major tenant between 1913 and 1957.

The Bible Society sold the building in 1949 to the Ukrainian National Publishing Company, the publisher of the Ukrainian newspaper the New Pathway (Novyi Shliakh). Subsequently, the Ukrainian National Federation, the Ukrainian War Veterans' Association and the Ukrainian Women's Organization became tenants in the building. Many of these organizations were relocated to Toronto by 1958. In 1971 Oseredok leased the top two floors for a museum/art gallery and library, and in 1974 it purchased the entire building. New Pathway remained a tenant until 1977 when it, too, moved to Toronto. The building was then renovated at a cost of approximately $500,000 as a heritage centre for Ukrainian culture housing Oseredok's library, archives, ethnography and art collections.

As part of Doors Open Winnipeg Oseredok will offer a FREE PYSANKA WORKSHOP from 1:00 - 3:30 pm May 26, 2012. First come, first served! Maximum 30 participants.


A mystical, magical evening with music,
'zakusky' and friends!
Tickets - $100

For tickets or sponsorship opportunities contact Oseredok
at 184 Alexander Ave. E.
Call 204-942-0218, or email

Proceeds to benefit Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre

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